The objectives of this research are : (1) to study the roles of Buddhist monks in enhancing the strengthen community in Muang District, Nakhonpathom Province; (2) to study the relationship between the personal status and the roles of Buddhist monks in enhancing the strengthen community; and (3) to study problems, obstacles and suggestions on the roles of Buddhist monks in enhancing the strengthen community in the said area. The Research is a mixed one using quantitative research methods. The tool employed for collecting data is the questionnaires which are close-end questions and open-end questions. Program for social sciences research is employed for data analysis by using statistical techniques such as Percentage, Standard Deviation (S.D.) and Chi-Square Tests for describing the relationship between Independent Variables and Dependent Variables. And qualitative research data were collected using in-depth interviews of the monks in Nakhonpathom Province.
The results of this study are concluded as follows:
1. The Buddhist monks in Muang District, Nakhonpathom Province, have played the roles in enhancing the strengthen community as the middle level ( = 2.95). When considered by categories, it is found that the Buddhist monks have played the roles in enhancing the strengthen community as the highest average for the development of temple as pleasant places of the community. ( = 3.70). Secondly, Dhamma teaching with focus on enhancing the strengthen community is second pride ( = 3.33). The lowest category is a rare project on observation tours to introduce community members to visit models of developing community ( = 2.62).
2. The six hypotheses tested by using Chi-Square have the statistically significance at 0.05 and found that the different personal status such as age, general education and ecclesiastic qualifications do not convey the relationship with the roles of Buddhist monks in Muang District, Nakhonpathom Province, in enhancing the strengthen community. That it is not statistical – significantly different, thus the relevant hypothesis set forth is rejected. The other two hypotheses are found that the different personal status such as ordination years and position status is statistical - significantly different, thus the relevant hypothesis set forth is accepted.
3. Results from the study on problems and obstacles give recommendations that :
1) The problems that Buddhist monks should solve in the first priority are the conflict in community and lacks of morality. These are the serious problems as the main obstacles of enhance to create the development for strong community.
2) Recommendation made to Buddhist monks is not for only as supporters but as spiritual leaders in enhancing strengthen community by way of preaching and advising them to realize the importance of the strong community.
3) The Buddhist monks are to be central media as to convince people to develop their community with full will. At the same time, they are to be the synods and work with government and private sectors to organize vocational trainings for people within their temples. Whatever projects to enhance strengthen community are to be undertaken and carried out by the participation of Buddhist monks in each community. |