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A Study of Pure Vipassana Meditation of Subhaddathera
Researcher : Thinnawan Trakulhoon date : 27/03/2018
Degree : พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(วิปัสนาภาวนา)
Committee :
  บุณชญา วิวิธขจร
Graduate : ๒๕ มกราคม ๒๕๖๑



There are two objectives of this research paper: to study Pure Vipassana Meditation in Theravada Buddhist scriptures and to study and analyze Pure Vipassana practice process of Subhaddathera. By studying the information from the Theravada Buddhist scriptures and other related documents, then, composed, summarized, analyzed, explained in details, corrected and verified by Buddhist scholars.


From the research, the researcher found that Pure Vipassana in Thailand is a practice method which directly inherit from India, and absolutely accurate to Tipitaka scriptures. The Pure Vipassana practitioner calls Suddhavipassanāyānika person, who practice with bare insight by using Khaika-samādhi (Momentary Concentration) which is high frequency continually awareness in perceiving Sāmañña-lakkhaa (the Common Characteristics) of physical and mental components such as Pañca-khandha (Five Aggregates), accordingly to Satipaṭṭhāna (Foundations of Mindfulness). The Pure Vipassana practitioner begins by Vipassanāpubbagama-samatha (Concentration Development Leads by Vipassana), While facing with Vipassanūpakilesa (Imperfiection or Defilements of Insight) the practitioner will use Dhammuddhaccaviggahitamānassa (Vipassana Practice by Remarking Phenomenon Distraction), rotates until the enlightenment. For the enlightenment of Pure Vipassana person who has strong Saddhindriya (Faith Faculty) calls Saddhānusārī (The Faith-devotee), after first enlightenment calls Saddhāvimutta (One Liberated by Faith). While the person who has strong Paññindriya (Wisdom Faculty) calls Dhammānusārī (The Truth-devotee) and after first enlightenment calls Diṭṭhippatta (One Attained to Right View). Both kinds of practitioners will be Paññāvimutta (One Liberated by Understanding) noble person in Buddhism.

Pure Vipassana practicing of Subhaddathera, the Pacchimasakkhisāvaka (The Last Self-Witnessed Disciple) was already become Anāgāmī (Non-Returner) before full ordination. After learning Kammaṭṭhāna (Sections of Mental Exercise), he hid from the crowd and intended to Caṅkama (Walking Up and Down) which is the section of Iriyāpatha (Postures Mindfulness) of Kāyānupassanāsatipaṭṭhāna (Mindfulness as regards the body) in Satipaṭṭhāna (Foundations of Mindfulness) Vipassana practicing. At the last enlightened moment, Subhaddathera entered Magga-ñāna (Knowledge of Path) and Phala-ñāna (Knowledge of Fruition) while focusing rises and falls of mental factors, which is the practicing of Cittānupassanā-satipaṭṭhāna (Mindfulness as Regards Mental Conditions). And finally became an Arahanta (The Perfect One) who liberated by understanding together with Paṭisambhidā (Discrimination) of highest wisdom in Buddhism.


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