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An Analytical Study of the Pattern of Explaination of the Buddha’s Teachings Based on Nettipakaraṇa
Researcher : Supee Thumthong date : 15/10/2019
Degree : ¾Ø·¸ÈÒʵôØɮպѭ±Ôµ(¾Ãоط¸ÈÒʹÒ)
Committee :
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Graduate : ñù Á¡ÃÒ¤Á òõöò

This dissertation entitled “An Analytical Study of the Pattern of           Explanation of the Buddha’s Teachings Based on Nettipakaraṇahas three objectives: 1) to study the scripture named Nettipakaraṇa, 2) to study the explanatory pattern of Buddhist teachings according to Nettipakaraṇa’s style, and 3) to analyze the explanatory pattern of Buddhist teachings according to Nettipakaraṇa’s style. This is a documentary research.

In the research, it was found that Nettipakaraṇa was originated since the Buddha’s time written by a Buddhist monk named Mahãkaccãyana whereby it was agreed by the Buddha and then it was introduced into the first rehearsal respectively. In Nettipakaraṇa the principles were always quoted and utilized in the commentaries and sub-commentaries where four types of structure are laid down as follows: 1) Saṁgahavãra; it deals with short contents, 2) Uddesavãra; it deals with its article, 3) Niddesavãra; it deals with the extension of its article, and 4) Paṭiniddesavãra; it deals with the explanation in great details. As regards the contents of scripture, three parts are mentioned as follows: 1) sixteen Hãras, 2) five Nayas, and 3) sixteen Sãsanapaṭṭhãnas and eighteen Sãsanapaṭṭhãnas. In this scripture, the explanatory principles of the Buddha’s teachings, both characteristics and meanings, laying the great emphasis on the way leading to the path, fruit and Nibbãna for trainable beings. In this matter, sixteen Hãras was purposely explained to synthesize Buddhist teaching into four noble truths through showing the noble doctrines side by side with the abandonment of defilements in the great details. Five Nayas was assigned to clearly explain the contents of Buddha’s teaching through separation of Dhamma into two parts and then put together into four noble truths. With respect to Sãsanapaṭṭhãna, it deals with grouping the Buddha’s teachings through its main contents which were divided into sixteen and eighteen types.

According to Nettipakaraṇa’s explanatory pattern of Buddhist teachings, it showed that: 1 its characteristics are explained through sixteen Hãras into the Buddhist words, 2) Dhammas, both Kilesa and Vodãna, are examined by Disãlojananaya, 3) the same teachings are included by Aṁkusanaya, 4) the Buddhist teachings are clearly explained by both sides by three Naya, Nandiyãvaṭṭanaya etc.

Once its characteristics were explained by sixteen Hãras then the clear-cut explanation of the Buddhist teachings was also made through synthesizing them into four noble truths ending them up with showing the noble path together with the putting the end to defilements where the concise analysis, examination and explanation were systematically done. In this matter, once its meanings were explained through five Nayas then the clarity and demarcation of both Saṁkilesadhamma and Vodãnadhamma were also given wherein both sides, Bhãvetappadhamma and Pahãtappadhamma were provided. By virtue of this, Bodhipakkhiya-dhamma and the way leading to the extinction of defilement are gradually progressed. In this regard, the confidence can be made that 1) its characteristics are not mistaken due to hinging its characteristics on only Tipiṭaka, 2) its meanings are right due to its explanation depending solely upon four noble truths where the process of dependent origination is used to direct its scope, the fixation of its explanation is shaped by eightfold path; no concept of self is added thereby providing the way leading to the cessation of defilements. Under this pattern, one who follows this can acquire the right view wherein the stream enterer can be expected till the total extinction of all bondages.



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