Objectives of this research paper were to: 1. study the personnel’s quality of life of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, 2. compare the personnel’s quality life of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University dividing by the type of the personnel and 3. study the method to develop the personnel’s quality of life of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
Methodology was the mixed methods: The quantitative method collected data from 162 samples derived from 280 personnel with questionnaires and analyzed data with frequency, percentage, means and base standard deviation and F-Test and One-Way ANOVA. When and Least Significant Difference (LSD) The Qualitative Research collected data from 12 key informants by face-to-face-in-depth-interviewing and analyzed data by descriptive interpretation.
Findings of the research were as follows:
1. The quality of personnel’s life of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University was at the medium level ( = 3.49, S.D.= 0.594). When dividing in various parts of work, the ones that was at maximized level was the useful work for society
( = 3.75, S.D.= 0.594), Democracy in organization was at ( = 3.64, S.D.= 0.742), social integration and social cooperation were at ( = 3.62, S.D.= 0.678) and the balance of working life and other ways of life were at ( = 3.60, S.D.= 0.669) respectively. The ones that were at medium level were safe working environment and good health promotion at ( = 3.43, S.D.= 0.676), work security and work advancement were at ( = 3.43, S.D.= 0.764), the opportunity for personnel’s competency development were at ( = 3.39, S.D.= 0.773), and appropriate and fair compensation were at ( = 3.05, S.D.= 0.821) respectively.
2. The comparison of the personnel’s opinions in accordance with the working quality of life by personal factors was found that the personnel with different age, education, income and position did not have different opinions, rejecting the set hypothesis. In the other hand, the personnel with different sex, marital status and periods of work had different opinions at significant level at 0.01. Therefore, the hypothesis of the research was accepted.
3. The methods to develop quality of working life of the personnel of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University are 1) To improve the standard of incomes to match the present cost of living and share the responsibilities suitably 2) The medical fee should be claimed directly from the Comptroller General’s Department, building the Sport Center for all the personnel and investigating in-out cars for the security of lives and property of the personnel. 3) allocating more budget for personnel training to make them have more working ability and suitable to their positions. 4) The personnel who have more than 3 year working experience should be employed permanently 5) There should be more channels for personnel to express and exchange ideas among personnel, 6) The chief of officers and the colleagues should help each other and solve problems together when working 7) The holidays of working should be adjusted to match with the national official holidays to avoid confusion. 8) The Boards of the university should support and accept the opinions of the personnel that are useful for society and should administer with good governance for equalization in living together and there is the same standard of any divisions and should be more resources reserving minded such as turning off the electricity and water supply after using them.