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หน้าหลัก » Ven. Nhai Yasindharo (Phanthonglay)
เข้าชม : ๒๑๑๒๙ ครั้ง
A Study of English Speaking Skills of International Students in English at Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University (Master of Arts in English International Program)
ชื่อผู้วิจัย : Ven. Nhai Yasindharo (Phanthonglay) ข้อมูลวันที่ : ๒๘/๑๐/๒๐๑๙
ปริญญา : พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(พระพุทธศาสนา)
คณะกรรมการควบคุมวิทยานิพนธ์ :
  Veerakarn Kanokkamalade
  Preecha Kanetnog
วันสำเร็จการศึกษา : March 21, 2019

This study has two objectives, 1) to study English speaking skills of M.A. first year international students in English at Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. 2) To analyze English speaking skills of M.A. first year international students in English at Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University.

             Research methodology of the study is the qualitative and quantitative research studying on the topic: A study of English speaking skills of international students in English at Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. There are six main parts for research methodology as the following: 1) Research design, 2) Population and sample group, 3) Research tools, 4) Data collection, 5) Questionnaire and 6) Data analysis.

             The result of study was found that:

             1) The result of data analysis from sample group of 30 students who are male and female. For the male for 28 persons, equal to 93.3 percent, and female for 2 persons, equal to 6.7 percent. For the status almost still at single number for 29 persons, equal to 96.7 percent. For the age almost still at 20-25 years old with number of 14 persons, equal to 46.7 percent. And for the education almost still at B.A. level with number of 9 persons, equal to 30.0 percent, and M.A. level with number of 20 persons, equal to 66.7 percent.

             2) The result of data analysis about a study of English speaking skills of international students in English at Faculty of Humanities, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University by the overview, for the recommendation as percentages, equal to 3.73 percent which is strongly agree, when considering each aspect it was considered as No. 1 As for speaking skills for communications as mean, equal to3.38 percent which is agree, for standard deviation, equal to 1.02 percent which is agree, No. 2 As for listening skills for communications as mean, equal to 3.50 percent which is agree, standard deviation, equal to0.93 percent which is agree, No. 3 As for  writing skills for communications as mean, equal to 3.53 percent which is agree, standard deviation, equal to 0.98 percent which is agree, and No. 4 As for reading for communications as mean, equal to 3.73 percent which is agree, Standard deviation, equal to 0.89 percent which is agree. In overall picture, it is at agreeing level.

             Finally, the acquisition of the development of English speaking of international students of four skills: speaking skills, listening skills, writing skills, and reading skills had been analyzed from the data collected of expertise specialists. And the levels that had been studied were at strongly agreed.



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